Italian-born German painter, sculptor and lithographer Bruno Bruni has become one of the most famous contemporary artists in Germany. He shot to fame thanks to a representational art with mass appeal. He is famous not only as an artist but also as a Hamburg character: He's almost a work of art himself.
Admired as one of Germany's top ranking artists, Bruno Bruni was born in Gradara - Pesaro, a small Italian town near the Adriatic Sea. Bruni began his art studies at the Pesaro Institute of Art from 1953-59 and in 1960 moved to Hamburg where he came under the influence of Paul Wunderlich and George Gresko at the State University for the Visual Arts. During this early period, Bruni worked as graphic designer while developing themes in his paintings and prints which would continue to appear in his later bronze works, such as "Nude with Arms Raised". Deeply rooted in sensual, physical world of Italian classical painting and molded by the rich Italian/Germanic mixture of his ancestry, Bruni has moved away from the influence of his mentors to evolve a powerful, deeply individual aesthetic.
In 1977 he won the "International Senefelder Preis for litography". Bruno Bruni has had numerous exhibitions since 1959: e.g. in Pesaro, Florence, London, Berlin, München, Mailand, Brüssel, Amsterdam, Tokio, New York, Melbourne and Leningrad. Bruni has published hundreds of lithographs and several books.


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