Painting by En Plein
“Nature has always been central to my life. From teaching science and nature studies, to leading groups to swim with wild dolphins, to quiet living in the Eastern Sierras, the beauty and harmony of the natural world has brought me the deepest satisfaction. Plein air painting provides a further concentration of this experience and induces a sharpening of my awareness of the world. I hope my paintings can increasingly bring some of this sublime awareness of beauty and light to others.”
Dorene White was educated in biology and has had diverse work experiences including science teaching, horticulture, NOAA marine mammal observer on fishing boats, and website designer. Painting instructors have included David Gallup, Ray Roberts, John Budicin, Daniel Pinkham, Anita Hampton and Thomas Van Stein, . She lives in Santa Barbara with her husband, Gil, Gracie (the dog - her painting companion), and cat Jasper.
Dorene is a founding member of Montecito Artists Group. She also belongs to Santa Barbara Art Association, Goleta Valley Artists Association, SCAPE (Southern California Artists Painting for the Environment), and is an associate artist of the California Art Club.
Recent juried or invitational shows have included:
Randy Higbee 6x6 Holiday Show
Atkinson Small Images Show
Westmont 5x5 Invitational
Art From Scrap 9x9 Invitational, 2011 and 2012
Amistad International Benefit Show
Semana Nautica
Dorene has been resident artist for Sandpiper Golf Course and Rancho San Marcos Golf Club since 2010. She is also a featured artist at the Four No Trump Gallery at the Santa Barbara Bridge Center and shows at Gallery 113 in Santa Barbara and En Plein Air Gallery in Carpinteria, California.
Currently showing at Bella Rosa Galleries at 1103A State St., in Santa Barbara.
She can be contacted at or 805 886-7479.
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