Chocolate Babka Sofia

Servings 1 large 30 cm cake pan or 2 small 20 cm cakes
 Author Natalie
For the dough:
500 grams (3 1/2 cups) all-purpose flour
10 grams (2 tsp.) active dry yeast
100 grams (1/2 cup) soft butter
100 grams (1/2 cup) sugar
2 large eggs
180 ml. (2/3 cup) milk
Pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
For the chocolate filling:
200 grams dark chocolate
100 grams (1/2 cup) butter
200 grams (1 cup) chocolate chips
For brushing:
1 beaten egg
For decoration:
Chocolate sprinkles
Make the dough:
In a mixer bowl with a kneading attachment, put flour, yeast, butter, sugar, eggs, milk, salt, and vanilla and knead in low-medium speed for 10-12 minutes until uniform dough is obtained.
Cover the bowl and allow rising for 1-2 hours until the dough almost doubles its volume.
Chocolate filling:
In a bowl place chocolate and butter. Dissolve in the microwave or over double-boiler until everything is melted and the mixture is uniform.
Cool the filling for 2-3 hours at room temperature until it reaches a spreadable consistency.
On a floured work surface roll the dough into a very thin rectangle about 2-3 mm thick. (if making 2 smaller cakes – divide the dough into 2 pieces and roll each separately).
Spread the chocolate filling in a smooth, thin layer. Sprinkle generously with chocolate chips.
Roll into a long and tight tube shape.
Curl the roll around itself to form a spiral shape.
Place the cake in a lightly greased baking pan.
Cover the cake and allow rising for about an hour or until the almost doubled in volume.
Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
Gently brush the cake with beaten egg and decorate with chocolate sprinkles.
Bake the cake for 35-45 minutes or until golden, swollen and set to the touch.
Cool slightly at room temperature and serve.
Recipe Notes
The cake is at its best when it’s warm and on the day of preparation.
You can freeze the cake (well-wrapped) for up to two weeks. It is recommended to defrost for several hours at room temperature and warm in the oven before serving.
If desired, add chopped nuts or to the filling.
Instead of making the chocolate filling you can use store-bought chocolate spread like Nutella.
