Christmas peppermint patties Marjan Ramezani

 peppermint fan? Good! Me too. Honestly, I don’t think there is a better flavor combo out there, and I always feel grateful when I get to end my day with said combo. So... go make these raw peppermint patties! You’ll thank me later 😉

Christmas peppermint patties.

1 cup raw cashews, soaked 2 hours.
1 cup of shredded coconut.
15 drops #doterra peppermint essential oil.
1/3 cup pure maple syrup
Pinch salt
1/4 cup cacao butter, melted (see note)

1. Add all ingredients to a high-speed food processor and blitz until smooth batter forms.
2. Set batter in the fridge for 30 mins, to firm up. Once firm, use wet hands to shape even balls and then flatten down with your hand to create a patty shape. Once all patties are formed, set in freezer for 1 hour, then make the raw chocolate mix.

Raw chocolate.

115g cacao butter, finely chopped
60g cacao powder
180g pure maple syrup
Pinch salt
Dash of pure vanilla extract


1. Add cacao butter to a heatproof bowl. Set bowl of a pot of simmering water. Allow melting, keeping an eye on the temperature (don't exceed 46 degrees C. If the cacao butter approaches this temp, remove from heat and allow to melt independently). 2. Add remaining ingredients and whisk to gather over the water, again keeping an eye on the temp (if you want to temper your chocolate, google the instructions- they are too precise for me to explain here! For ease, I am explaining just a basic, untempered version that will still taste great).
3. Once uniform, remove from heat and allow to cool. Once the chocolate has cooled/thickened. Dip in each patty, and set again on the baking tray.
Store patties in the fridge or freezer (in an air-tight container), and enjoy! They taste great out of the freezer and are a total crowd pleaser.

Note; to melt cacao butter, always place in a heatproof bowl over simmering water (never try to melt in a saucepan over a flame).


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