marble cake Atefeh Asadbighi
The cake dough:
200 g butter (at room temperature)
220 g of sugar
6 g of salt
150 g of egg (3 eggs)
320 g flour type 55
7 g of baking powder
300 g of liquid cream
60 g cocoa powder (unsweetened)
6 g vanilla powder
For syrup:
60 g of sugar
150 g of water
9 g brown rum (optional)
For the chocolate coating:
200 g of dark chocolate (Caribbean 66% of Valrhona)
35 g of grapeseed oil (or any other oil that is neutral in taste)
50 g ground almonds (or praline)
The cake dough:
Place the soft butter in the stand mixer recipient...
, or by hand with a wooden spoon, mix the butter with the sugar and the salt.
Add the eggs then mix roughly
Add the flour and baking powder and mix again,
Finally, add the liquid cream and mix this time until you have a smooth and homogeneous paste.
Dough into two parts
In the first bowl, add the vanilla powder and mix.
In the second, add the sifted cocoa powder and mix as well.
Preheat your oven to 150 ° C rotating heat.
Slightly grease a loaf cake tin.
Pour some vanilla preparation at the bottom of the mold.
Cover with the cocoa paste.
Alternate the vanilla and cocoa paste. A roll of dough is enough for each pass, the whole thing will then mix and occupy the space.
Do not try to put too much at once, it is the succession of many layers that will give the marble effect cake.
bake at 150 ° C for 1h30. It seems very long but I assure you that this cooking is perfect.
Check the cooking by planting the blade of a knife in the middle of the cake, it must come out without trace dough.
Make syrup:
Make the syrup while baking the cake.
Bring the water and sugar to a boil and remove from the heat.
Soak all the cake without waiting, it must totally be hot, using a brush.
You do not necessarily use all the syrup, it depends a lot on the cooking (if the cake too much dried or not). If the syrup does not enter the cake it is simply that there is enough. Remember to soak the sides and not just the top.
Leave your cake at room temperature for about 12 hours (or overnight) to absorb the syrup perfectly.
For the chocolate coating:
When your cake has matured overnight, place it in the freezer for an hour.
Prepare the coating by melting the chocolate first.
Add the oil.
Add the roasted almonds. You can replace them with praline.
Mix everything with a spatula.
Take out your cake from the freezer and place it on a rack, even on a plate or a large plate (to get the excess of frosting) then pour the hot Chocolate coating.
making sure the whole surface and sides are coated
When the icing has set, after a couple of minutes,
Move the marbled cake on a dish by a large spatula.
Reserve in the fridge until ready to serve. Enjoy this delicious cake.
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