Cincopatasalgato: La Piscucha (16 Pics)

Painting by Henry Asencio (8 Pics)

Painting By Carmelo Blandino (10 Pics)

Carmelo Blandino – “My work is a continuance of the practice of the Buddhist monks who would bring a single flower to their meditation session. They would ask the students to stare at it in silence for a long period of time. Eventually, the student comes to realize that he is gazing upon his own true form: a higher Self materializes within the form of the flower and the flower transcends beyond its visual appearance. Recognizing that all energy originates from one source, the mind is elevated to a more enlightened. The student and the flower are one.”

Floral Fashion Portraits by Sunny Gu (6 Pics)

Painting by Leigh Viner (19 Pics)